Tuesday, March 22

Test Taking Anxiety Strategies - 2 Simple Anti-Anxiety Tips for Test Day

Be it the mid-terms or final exams, test taking anxiety is one of the most stressful things you encounter as a student.

Here are 2 simple tips to overcome, or at least deal with fear and panic, till the exam is over:

#1. Stop everything and breathe deeply
  • If you are experiencing any kind of test related anxiety, stop doing everything for a while and just concentrate on your breathing.
  • Take 20 deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Imagine (and feel) with each exhalation that your anxiety and sense of panic is being released.
#2. Manage your time intelligently on the test day
  • Make sure you get enough sleep on the night before the test. On the day of the test, have a light breakfast (avoid caffeine and carbohydrates) and arrive 20-30 minutes early before the exam begins.
  • As soon as you get your test paper, skim through the whole of it and mentally allot the maximum time you are willing to spend on each section. This is important to ensure that you complete the test in time.
Want to know more about how to cure test taking anxiety, social fear, lack of confidence and even panic attacks RIGHT NOW?
Visit The 1-Minute Anxiety Cure Method - Easiest Way to Cure All Forms of Fear and Anxiety >>

Thursday, March 17

Food for Memory and Concentration - 3 Memory Foods that help students concentrate

A healthy, iron-rich breakfast early in the morning is the best food for memory and concentration. It keeps you alert all day long and gets you through the mental and physical rigors of school and college.

Apart from this, there are three foods that when consumed regularly, are proven to increase brain power, memory, study retention and better performance in tests and exams.

These are:
  1. Fish - They contain omega-3 fatty acids which is great for your hair as well as the grey cells. 
  2. Cranberries - They contain vital antioxidants that help in boosting memory function. 
  3. Egg yolk - Rich in choline, egg yolks are important for optimum brain health and hence, superior concentration.
Want to know more about boosting memory and concentration?
Visit Get Better Grades with the Least Amount of Effort

Sunday, August 1

Mind Map Techniques Improve Learning, Boost Memory Skills

Students and pros alike use mind map techniques to get an overview of their respective fields, analyze challenges, calculate outcomes, and then take a confident step forward to solve it.

Take for example the subject of Chemistry -- It's a subject that many students find hard to understand and the facts/formula difficult to memorize.

    So what you do is create a mind map that branches out into the various elements of Chemistry -- like organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, molar equations, stoichiometry calculations, and so on. The same techniques can be applied to Physics, Math, English, History, Biology, an any other subject you want to master. Color-coded mind maps increase memory power, help you retain information better and be a fast learner.

    Studies have revealed that students who use mind maps boost their learning capacity and understanding by as much as 60%. To know how you can use mind maps to get better grades, check out this 5-star rated guide.

    Thursday, July 22

    How to Study Smart in 3 Easy Ways

    1. Avoid Procrastination. Be it Physics, Math, English or any of your high school subjects, smart learners set aside a fixed time table for study. That way, you are not branded a bookworm but someone who has enough time for family and friends. So what if you fell sick & missed a schedule? Just tweak the time table & stay the course. At the end of the day you have completed 25 assignments, 34 Q&A, went for a movie and had dinner with your family Not bad for one study day :)

    2. Razor Sharp Analytical Skills. Having problems keeping your eyes open after late-night studies? Or maybe, you decided to catch a movie with friends and now, your concentration has gone for a toss. Worry not, be smart! Sleep can be cured only by hitting the sack for a few hours The brain is a wonderful computer with the capacity to retain facts & formula in a jiffy – provided it is 100% awake. Rest your brain every 30 minutes and you develop those razor sharp memory and analytical skills. Help your brain to help you and watch those grades soar.

    3. Instant Memorization of the whole Book. Follow the above two very important rules and a surprise new you is there who is capable of coming to the level of a smart learner who magically has developed the capacity to the level of memorization of the whole book at the end of the semester.

    Rated 5 stars: Speed learning techniques for high school & college students. Click here to get the full guide.